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What To Eat After Getting Braces (and What To Avoid)

You did it. You committed to fixing your bite. Here's what to eat after getting braces to make sure that the orthodontic work pays off in a terrific smile.

What To Eat After Getting Braces

If you're investing the time and financial resources into a new smile, it makes sense to do everything possible to promote healthy teeth and gums. Along with a routine of brushing and flossing, a healthy diet is a terrific way to make sure that you'll end up with a beautiful smile.

Some of the best things to eat while you're wearing braces include:

  • Dairy products
  • Lean meats
  • Soft fruits (say yes to bananas!)
  • Peanut butter
  • Pasta
  • Rice
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Grits
  • Soft-textured bread

Treat yourself to things like (1) smoothies, (2) ice cream, and (3) chocolate for a sweet indulgence that's braces-friendly.

Foods To Avoid After Getting Braces

Unfortunately, you'll need to eliminate, or at least restrict, some foods from your diet while you're wearing braces. The common factors in foods to avoid are that it might damage the various parts of your braces, or stick around long after you've eaten. Food remnants that you can't remove while brushing and flossing can cause tooth decay and gum problems.

Oral-B gives a great rule of thumb by suggesting you avoid foods that are "sugary/ hard/ sticky or chewy." Examples of no-no foods include:

  • Sticky candy
  • Gum
  • Hard candy
  • Sugary soda
  • Hard fruit (ex. Whole apples)
  • Meat from the bone (avoid tearing with your teeth)
  • Nuts
  • Popcorn
  • Corn-on-the-cob
  • Extra thick pizza crust
  • Chewy bagels
  • Tortilla chips

Don't lose heart if you see some of your favorite foods and treats on the list. You won't be wearing braces for long, and you'll soon have a beautiful smile as a reward for your restraint.

Lastly, when you're deciding what to eat after getting braces, concentrate on safety. Focus on choosing foods that won't stress your oral appliance and get stuck between your teeth. Fortunately, with a little bit of imagination, you'll discover that it's easy to indulge in delicious meals while you're wearing braces.

Contact us at Smiles for Life Orthodontics to discover how close you are to a fantastic smile.

American Dental Association American Association of Orthodontists Texas Association of Orthodontists Southwestern Society of Orthodontists